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Choosing the perfect nursing home for a loved one is a complicated process that requires consideration of certain factors including the quality of care, the availability of activities for residents and whether other residents report feeling comfortable in the home. A complication that makes this process even more difficult is the fact that nursing home abuse is a real danger. Fortunately, there are some signs to look for to determine whether abuse is likely before it even starts.

• Ask about how caregivers are evaluated prior to being hired. Caregivers should be able to pass a background check and should display the ability to stay calm under pressure. Questions about the length of shifts and the number of patients assigned to each caregiver are also essential.

• Observe residents in the nursing home to see if they show any signs of abuse. Signs of abuse include noticeable injuries, listlessness and withdrawn behavior. While some residents of the facility may display withdrawn behavior or a lack of energy due to medical conditions, observing this behavior in several residents is a clue that there could be a problem with the facility.

• Research the turnover rate of caretakers and other staff members. A high turnover rate indicates a low level of employee morale and is often a sign of poor quality of care.

• The number of available activities may indicate whether a nursing home has a problem with abuse. Abusive caretakers will often neglect patients and avoid taking time to plan activities to improve the quality of life of their patients.

• Ask residents how they feel that they are treated while in the nursing home. It is possible that caretakers and other staff members speak differently to visitors and family members. Abusive nursing home employees typically do not show their true personalities unless they are alone with residents.

Personal injury attorneys in Buffalo can help families when their loved ones have become victims of nursing home abuse. Consulting with a Brown Chiari attorney in Buffalo will help families understand their rights in relation to putting an end to elder abuse and receiving compensation for medical bills associated with injuries suffered as a direct result. Anyone who believes that a loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse should contact a lawyer in Buffalo, NY as soon as possible.

Prescription drugs can vastly improve the quality of life of individuals dealing with illness, but there are risks that should be taken into consideration before a person begins taking any medication.

Information about drugs that are currently available to patients can be found at the MedWatch website of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Website visitors can simply enter the name of a drug into the search bar to discover whether there have been any warnings or reports related to the drug. Searching a prescription drug also provides information about noted drug interactions that could result in a serious adverse reaction in a patient.

Although the FDA reports that 97% of the drugs approved since the mid-1990s are safe and still available to patients, approximately 3% of the drugs that were approved during this time period had the potential to cause harm to patients.

Patients are reminded to stay proactive about their medical care. Instead of assuming prescription drugs are as safe and effective as television and magazine ads make them appear to be, people should do research to discover whether there are any alerts or reports related to these drugs. Individuals are advised to discuss risks with their doctor prior to putting pressure on a medical professional to prescribe a certain medication.

Anyone who has taken a drug and suffered an adverse reaction that has significantly impacted their quality of life should contact an attorney in Buffalo. Lawyers in Buffalo, NY can discuss legal options with a person who has been negatively affected by a prescription drug. Although patients may believe that they do not need to take legal action, a lawyer in Buffalo can explain that compensation obtained as a result of a lawsuit can be used to cover medical expenses and loss of wages that occur when a patient experiences illness or injury because of a prescription drug.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned Americans that an outbreak of meningitis that is primarily concentrated in the Northeastern United States has been tied to a tainted batch of steroids that were administered to patients via injection.

The contaminated medication was specifically sourced from New England Compounding Center (NECC), a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Framingham, Massachusetts. The Food and Drug Administration has concerns over a failure on the part of officials responsible for ensuring drug safety to follow up when NECC had violated regulations in the past.

Although 23 people across the country have died as a result of the outbreak, there has currently only been one reported case of meningitis has been directly linked to the injections in New York. This case was not fatal to the patient.

Symptoms of the fungal meningitis associated with the contaminated steroids injections include stiffness in the neck, fever, headache, mental fuzziness and nausea. However, some medical professionals have noticed that patients are showing signs of meningitis due to a fear of contracting the illness. Anyone with symptoms related to fungal meningitis should seek medical attention immediately in order to determine whether the symptoms are truly related to the disease.

People with a compromised immune system are more likely to develop fungal meningitis after exposure to the disease than people who were healthy prior to exposure.

People who have loved ones who have been exposed to the fungal meningitis strain should be aware that this type of meningitis is not contagious. Only bacterial and viral strains are able to be transmitted from person to person.

Anyone who suspects that they may have been a victim of the contaminated steroids injections should contact Brown Chiari for legal counsel. Brown Chiari is a law firm in Buffalo providing services to individuals with personal injury claims. Meningitis is a serious illness, and the way in which people were infected with the disease warrants the assistance of a lawyer in Buffalo. The attorneys at Brown Chiari are already investigating the incident in order to better serve clients affected by contaminated medicine.

Victims of serious bullying at school and in extracurricular activities have become prevalent in mainstream news. The possibility of having a child who is terrorized by a bully can weigh heavily on the mind of a parent or guardian. Learn how to identify the signs that your child is being bullied and how to know when bullying warrants the assistance of a personal injury lawyer in New York.

Monitoring Your Child’s Safety Regarding Bullies

Some children fail to tell their parents or guardians about bullying because they are embarrassed about the situation or scared that the bullying will just get worse. Identifying signs of bullying is an important tool in keeping kids safe.

Listed below are some common signs that a child is being bullied:

• Asking to stay home from school or other activities on a regular basis

• Becoming irritable when someone asks if something is wrong

• Becoming withdrawn from other children and activities that were once enjoyed

• Significant weight gain or weight loss in a short period of time

Should You Take Legal Action Against Bullies?

It is possible for bullying to get so out of control that legal intervention is necessary. Contact New York injury lawyers if any of the following actions listed below are observed or suspected:

• Physical injuries that are a direct result of an altercation with a bully. Keep in mind that the local police should be contacted immediately if a child is assaulted by a bully.

• Serious verbal threats of violence are made

• A bully is sexually harassing the victim

It is important to seek the advice of an injury lawyer in New York immediately if bullying has become severe enough to be considered a legal issue.

While not all injuries sustained necessitate hiring an injury lawyer in New York, there are instances when legal assistance should be sought as soon as possible. The following list will help you determine when New York injury lawyers can help you receive compensation for medical bills and lost wages related to an injury:

• The medical bills that have accrued as a result of an injury are partially or completely uncovered by the victim’s medical insurance.

• The injury is severe enough to warrant time off of work. Attorneys are skilled in helping clients obtain compensation for missed wages that are a direct result of an injury.

• The injury has resulted in a permanent disability that affects quality of life and may make it impossible for the victim to return to work.

• The physical damage was so severe that a loved one died as a result of the injury. Personal injury lawyers in New York are often able to obtain compensation for medical bills and final expenses that deceased loved ones leave behind so that family members are able to focus on grieving instead of finances.

Suffering a personal injury as a result of the negligence of others can be a devastating and life changing event for the victim or people who have lost a loved one as a result of such an injury. If you’ve suffered an injury and are still uncertain about whether you are eligible for compensation, consult an injury lawyer in New York at Brown Chiari for advice on how to proceed. Brown Chiari Attorneys are able to advise victims about their best course of action even if legal action is unnecessary.

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