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Caring for your aging parents or in-laws is becoming an inevitable part of life because people are living longer. But becoming a caretaker for an elderly relative can also cause friction in your marriage.


As a result, newlyweds should come up with a game plan – if possible, even before anyone has health problems – for dealing with aging or sick parents and in-laws. To keep your marriage intact and still be a good son, daughter, or in-law, here are 11 rules for supporting your loves ones.  

Read the full article here.

As a caregiver, it is important to keep track of your loved one’s prescription medications and over-the-counter products. It is also important to meet with a pharmacist regularly to ensure you are getting exactly what is needed.


There are correct ways to take over-the-counter medicine as well as storing them, and it is important that caregivers know as much as possible to assist those in need. Take a look at the 10 things pharmacists want you to know.


  • How to properly store your medication
  • Learn the correct way to take over-the-counter medication
  • Never share your prescriptions

Read the full article here.

If your loved one is living in a skilled nursing care center, it’s critical that you understand his or her rights as a resident. Knowing and protecting these rights will help ensure that your loved one receives the person-centered, quality care that best meets his or her needs.


Care Conversations spoke with Ruta Kadonoff, Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at the American Health Care Association, to discover how family members can best advocate for their loved ones in a skilled nursing care center.

Read the full article here.

Often times, when an elderly individual is admitted to a nursing home, the nursing home front office asks the resident or a family member to simply sign on the dotted line. In many instances, families are under stress, have some urgency to get the family member admitted, or are in need of immediate admission. As a result, individuals may sign without reading what they are signing. It is not uncommon for a nursing home to place a mandatory arbitration agreement somewhere inside the package of admission documents that require signature. By signing an arbitration agreement it means that should there be some problem with the care or services provided that cannot be resolved, the family and resident agree to bring the dispute before a professional arbitrator as opposed to having the option to file a lawsuit and have the dispute resolved by a jury. This latter approach is much more favorable to the individual resident whereas arbitration is much more beneficial to large corporations such as nursing homes. Many times the resident and family will have no choice relative to the individual who will be deciding the fate of the dispute. In addition, the decisions by arbitrators often provide no benefit to future residents nor do anything to improve care within nursing homes.


It is our suggestion that elderly individuals and their families read admission agreements closely and, if necessary, ask an attorney to review the documents before anything is signed. We also suggest residents refuse to sign any binding arbitration clauses that are contained in the admission agreements. The prospective resident or family members can simply advise the facility that they will not sign an arbitration agreement. The facility may not condition an admission on an agreement to arbitrate. It is suggested that one simply cross out and initial any proposed arbitration provisions. Do not allow the nursing home to cause you or your loved one to waive a fundamental constitutional right-trial by jury. Prospective residents can also protect themselves by limiting those powers granted within a power of attorney. One can specifically include language barring the agent from agreeing to any type of mandatory binding arbitration.

Even if you or a family has already signed a binding arbitration agreement there may be avenues for voiding the agreement and you should consult with an attorney in order to potentially resolve that issue.

Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans aged 65+ falls every year? Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans.

Falls are costly—in dollars and in quality of life. However, falling is not an inevitable part of aging. Through practical lifestyle adjustments, evidence-based programs, and community partnerships, the number of falls among seniors can be reduced substantially and caregivers can help.

In honor of National Fall Prevention Awareness Day on September 22nd, learn these six easy steps to help prevent falls from the National Falls Prevention Resource Center and learn how caregivers can assist.


Read the full article here.

When it comes to caring for an aging parent or spouse, many want to help their loved one stay independent as long as possible. Technology makes it easier for people to do that.

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There are a slew of apps and services allowing people to schedule care for their aging parents, track their health and monitor symptoms.

Here’s a look at four ways tech is helping you take care of your loved ones.

To learn more, read the full article here.

As a caregiver, you may need to know what a power of attorney document does and why it is needed for legal matters.

A power of attorney document is a very helpful legal tool to manage the affairs of a family member with a serious, progressive illness.

There are two kinds of power of attorney documents and, ideally, caregivers should have both. A health care power of attorney and a financial power of attorney are both important in the face of a crisis.

Learn how caregivers can get family power of attorneys for legal matters.

Read the full article here.

Often times caregivers have to act based on the best interests of their loved ones in legal matters. With the many responsibilities that come with being a caregiver, there are also important legal documents that one must know.


Planning ahead is crucial for caregivers and we’re here to help. Take a look at 5 important legal documents all caregivers should know about.

  • Power of Attorney
  • Health Care Proxy
  • Living Will
  • Living Trust
  • Will

Read the full article here.

Family caregivers are the backbone of most families. It’s a challenging job, especially as many family caregivers juggle it alongside a professional career. Sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to devote equal attention to both.

caregiver tips

Considering hiring a professional caregiver? Considering these points from Griswold Home Care:

  • Caregiver legal rights
  • The FMLA
  • How to find professional help
  • How to tell your loved one

Read the full article here.

The demands of caregiving can be overwhelming and ultimately take a toll on your health, relationships and state of mind. When you’re burned out, it’s tough to do anything, let alone look after someone else. That’s why taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.


There are plenty of ways caregivers can regain energy, optimism and hope even when things get stressful. Learn the common signs of caregiver burnout and find out how to restore balance in your life.

Read the full article here. 


Earlier this month, the American Bar Association sent a letter to House lawmakers urging a no vote on a bill that imposes a federal cap of $250,000 on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases.

medical malpractice

The letter says Congress should not substitute its judgment for that of the states, which are “the repositories of experience and expertise” in matters involving medical liability and insurance.

To read the full article and learn more about the letter, visit the ABA’s website.

The New York Verdict Search recently published Brigette Brzezniak v. Vincent J. Sorrentino and City of Buffalo, which was argued by Brown Chiari’s Michael C. Scinta.

The article, which was published in Vol. XXXIV Issue 46 (May 8, 2017), may be read here.

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